Principal's Corner

Dr. Jarret Smith

Dr.  Jarret  Smith
Riverview Gardens High School Principal

Phone: 314-869-4700 Ext. 22101


Greetings RAMily,

Riverview Gardens High School is committed to strengthening the partnership between home and school. Studies show that increased parent involvement in a child's education, in the critical high school years, is essential to a child's success before transitioning to young adulthood.

Each of you are essential to the successful development of a culture of excellence and pride across our campus and we welcome you to become more involved in our parent organization and other parent involvement activities.

Your support is critical as it helps scholars to see our joint commitment to their success and motivates them to reach their greatest potential. We have many invaluable tools and resources available to assist you with supporting your scholar. Our parent portal provides you with detailed information regarding attendance and academics. We have an amazing app that can be downloaded directly to your phone to ensure that you are kept current on all of our activities and events. Our campus health clinic, the Riverview Advanced Medical Services or RAMS, is available with an on-site doctor to meet your scholar's medical needs.

We are a team, a RAM-ily and together we are the perfect combination to take your scholar to his/her next level of greatness. I look forward to working together with you and your scholar in this New Era of their life. Together, we are RAM STRONG! I thank you for your dedication and partnership in education.


Principal Dr. Jarret Smith